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HomeBollywoodSara Ali Khan Requests Paparazzi 'Aap Abhi Mat Aana' As She Will...

Sara Ali Khan Requests Paparazzi ‘Aap Abhi Mat Aana’ As She Will get Noticed in Metropolis; Watch Viral Video

Sara Ali Khan is among the much-loved celebs within the trade. The actress’ trend sense and intriguing social media posts are sure to make headlines. The Love Aaj Kal star loves sporting Indian attires and by no means fails to face out in them. As we speak too she was noticed within the metropolis glowing in a white ethnic outfit. Paparazzi was fast to seize the actress, and the actress additionally greeted them, but additionally gave an instruction to comply with.

In a video posted by in style Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani, Sara Ali Khan is seen stepping out of her wearing ivory ethnic put on. Earlier than coming into the place, the actress is seen interacting with the shutterbugs as she mentioned, “Aap abhi mat aana.” (Please don’t come right here now).

Examine the video right here:

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text-align:heart; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;”><a href=”;utm_campaign=loading” model=” shade:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:regular; font-weight:regular; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;” goal=”_blank”>A publish shared by Viral Bhayani (@viralbhayani)</a></p></div></blockquote> <script async src=”//”></script>


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Quickly after the video was shared, scores of followers chimed into the feedback part to bathe compliments on the actress. One of many followers wrote, “Fairly❤️❤️❤️,” one other added, “She in ethenic ❤️and specifically in white is so serene .” A 3rd fan added, “Sooo cute she is❤️.”

It seems to be just like the actress is all set to shoot for a challenge and arrived on units wanting like a real Indian magnificence.

Sara Ali Khan will get noticed by paparazzi. (Picture: Viral Bhayani)
The actress waved at the paps. (Image: Viral Bhayani)
The actress waved on the paps. (Picture: Viral Bhayani)
Sara Ali Khan left her hair open, wore her spectacles and held her coffee mug in one hand. (Image: Viral Bhayani)
Sara Ali Khan left her hair open, wore her spectacles and held her espresso mug in a single hand. (Picture: Viral Bhayani)

In the meantime, on the work entrance, Karan Johar just lately confirmed that Sara shall be collaborating with him for two movies. Nonetheless, an official announcement is but to be made. Sara Ali Khan additionally appeared within the newest season of Koffee With Karan together with Janhvi Kapoor. Subsequent, Sara will subsequent be seen in Laxman Utekar’s untitled directorial enterprise, reverse actor Vicky Kaushal. She can also be part of Pawan Kriplani’s Gaslight, alongside Chitrangada Singh and Vikrant Massey.

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